Since this May, in selected hospitals in 12 European countries: Spain, Serbia, Poland, Czech Republic, Latvia, Croatia, Macedonia, Greece, Ukraine, Georgia, Hungary and Turkey, stroke patients and their carers are being provided with information on stroke and important next steps on their path to recovery.

The patient-focused materials are made of five brochures, including a list of national, regional and local stroke support organisations, with their contact details, in order that patients and carers can access further support in the months and years following their stroke. The information provided in the brochures are kindly provided by the Stroke Association UK and then translated to all project languages, applying the information standard procedure for the translation.

The next step in SAFE Angels project consists of collecting feedback from patients and their carers about the quantity and quality of information they have been provided with during their stay at the hospital, before being discharged. The feedback will be collected through an online survey in all 13 project languages (Spanish, Catalan, Serbian, Polish, Czech, Latvian, Croatian, Macedonian, Greek, Ukrainian, Georgian, Hungarian and Turkish).

Please see the survey on this link and inform the people you know.

For more information about the hospitals which are providing patient materials, please find an organisation which is working in your country here.

If you are interested in finding out more about the SAFE Angels project, please contact Jelena Misita, SAFE Awareness and Advocacy Manager at

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