This May in 12 European countries: Spain, Serbia, Poland, Czech Republic, Latvia, Croatia, Macedonia, Greece, Ukraine, Georgia, Hungary and Turkey, stroke patients and their carers in a selected number of hospitals will be provided with information on stroke and important next steps on their path to recovery.

The patient-focused materials are made of five brochures, including a list of national, regional and local stroke support organisations, with their contact details, in order that patients and carers can access further support in the months and years following their stroke. The information provided in the brochures are kindly provided by the Stroke Association UK*and then translated to all project languages, applying the information standard procedure for the translation.

The original brochures are in English language and you can access their original content by following the links below:

Transient ischaemic attack
Next steps after stroke
Supporting a stroke survivor
When you have a stroke
How to reduce your risk


Please scroll down to see who is our member organisation in each project country and click on each photo to access the brochures in different languages.

Hungarian language – SAFE member Stroke Liga Nemzeti

Latvian language:


Croatian language: Croatian Stroke Society (HDPMU)


Turkish language: BEYINDER


Polish language: Fundacja Udaru Mózgu


Spanish language: Federación Española del Ictus: FEI


Catalan language: Fundació Ictus


Macedonian language: Macedonian Stroke Association “Мозочен удар”


Georgian language: Mkurnali Foundation


Czech language: Organisations CEREBRUM and Sdružení pro rehabilitaci osob po cévní mozkové příhodě (Association for rehabilitation of persons after stroke)


Greek language: Hellenic alliance/action for stroke (HAAS)


Serbian language: Moždani udar – Stroke Association Serbia


Ukrainian language: School for Stroke Survivors (SSS) “Victory over the stroke”


*The Stroke Association UK: Copyright and disclaimer

The Stroke Association does not take responsibility for any errors that may appear in the translation, or the effects that an error may have. The original information contained in the publication should only be considered accurate until the published review date.

Please be aware that this information is not intended as a substitute for specialist professional advice tailored to your situation. We strive to ensure that the content we provide is accurate and up-to-date, but information can change over time. So far as is permitted by law, the Stroke Association does not accept any liability in relation to the use of the information in this publication, or any third-party information or websites included or referred to.

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