Jon Barrick, SAFE President, invites stroke advocates from European stroke support organisations to step forward and register for the Munich consensus conference – March 2018

The“Action Plan for Stroke in Europe 2018 to 2030” will be of major importance for the prevention of stroke in Europe and the implementation of adequate stroke services including life after stroke.  Two previous consensus conferences on stroke management in Europe (1995 and 2006) laid foundations, and this initiative will modernise the actions that need to be implemented.

The third consensus conference is scheduled to take place in Munich in 2018, building on the experience and the format of the previous conferences. The conference will be organized by the European Stroke Organisation, in partnership with the Stroke Alliance for Europe (SAFE). The World Health Organization will be asked to endorse the conference.

There are seven domain groups working on the third revision of the document and the draft version will be presented at the meeting in Munich in March 2018.   In each of these seven domain groups SAFE has a representative, but we would like to encourage others to register for this event if you would like to directly participate and contribute to producing the content of the Stroke Action Plan for Europe.

If you would like to participate in the discussion, you have the opportunity to participate in person at this meeting, or you have the possibility to watch the presentations online that are going to be live-streamed. The video link for live-streaming will be distributed in the near future.

For the Munich conference participation, please submit your application here. Please note that the deadline for registration is 3rd November 2017. If you are a stroke survivor, please indicate your stroke support organization.

The number of places is very limited and you will be informed in December 2017 if your application has been accepted. Please note that there is no registration fee but the travel costs and/or overnight stays are at your own expenses.


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