Story by : Christer Wik
On Saturday, 10 September, Henrik Bystrom from Kil, Sweden, had a stroke. His daughters Hanna and Ella were of course afraid, but quickly called 112.
– You did the right thing. That’s why Henry is sitting here today. It is very important to get timely treatment when you get a stroke, says Marita Tore Heim Kase, Director of the department of neurology and rehabilitation at the Central Hospital in Karlstad.

She came to the family Bystrom with a cake on Wednesday to pay tribute to nine year old Hanna and seven-year Ellas resourceful effort that probably saved the life of their father.
– I was laying in bed on Saturday night and watching TV when I became ill. Then I remember nothing more until I woke up in the hospital, says 40-year-old Henrik Bystrom.
The daughters Hanna and Ella Bystrom did not panic, but called 112 when their father Henry had a stroke two months ago. It probably saved his life. The alarm had been mum Annica taught them.
Ambulance Medic Anders Pettersson had to revisit Henrik Bystrom and they gave each other a hug.
The daughters Hanna and Ella however had heard that he had fallen out of bed. When they had helped him up began Henrik seizures and shake. Then they were afraid, but maintained the calm.
– I called 112. The mother has said that it should do that, says Hanna Bystrom.
Quickly on the spot
This meant that the ambulance arrived to their home in Kil in just 20 minutes.
– At the same time, I kept in touch with the kids and called a neighbor and grandmother and managed as soon as possible to take me home from my job, says mom Annica Bystrom.
Henrik Bystrom was anesthetized by paramedics to reduce the risk of brain damage and then rushed to the Central Hospital.
– It took less than an hour after the children had called 112 and that was crucial, says Wolmer Edqvist, operations manager for the ambulance service in the county of Värmland.
Henrik Bystrom got to spend a month in the hospital after his stroke, but is now back at home in the villa. He hugs his daughters that contributed to his survival.
– Now I feel good and go to rehab every week here in Kil, he says.
– But the first days after the stroke were critical. Then he turned, however, and now actually Henrik better numbers than before. He received a first stroke six years ago, among other things sat on the speech, says Annica Bystrom.
Marita Tore Heim Kase and others in the county acclaimed daughters bet with cake and movie tickets.
– You did the right thing. That’s why Henry sitting here today. It is very important to get timely treatment when you get a stroke and therefore we want to thank you for being alerted as quickly.
Happy ending
– It’s fun for us to pay attention to this kind of event that ended so happily, she says.
For ambulance medic Anders Pettersson was special to meet Henrik Bystrom again.
– It was incredibly awesome. Glad that everything has gone so well. I did not know, he says.
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