
Today is the World Stroke Day 2016

And treatment should be equally available across Europe

Stroke Alliance for Europe marks the World Stroke Day 2016 by joining forces with scientific and commercial partners in an attempt of measuring the actual state of stroke care across Europe, said Jon Barrick, President of SAFE.
According to the World Health Organization 17 million people worldwide suffer a stroke each year, and 6.5 million don’t survive, yet stroke, as a burden of disease, still remains little understood.

safe-picture-for-social-media_wsd-2016_1SAFE initiated a project on the burden of stroke and how patients’ needs are met by health care provision in Europe. The Burden of Stroke Report is being done by researchers from King’s College London and will be published in May 2017.

Meanwhile, we know for sure that the right care makes a difference, but many people are not getting the stroke treatment they need, says Barrick adding that it is now a fact that early recognition makes a big difference. Specialized stroke unit care, clot-busting drugs and clot retrieval treatment all increase the chance of a good outcome. The problem is that all these life saving measures are not equally available throughout Europe.
Stroke happens when the blood supply to part of the brain is cut off. Without blood, brain cells can be damaged or die. This damage can have different effects depending on where it happens in the brain. It can affect people’s body, mobility and speech, as well as how they think and feel.

safe-picture-for-social-media_wsd-2016On this day we would like to remind that stroke is the leading cause of disability and the second leading cause of death globally. It can happen to anyone at any age and it affects everyone: survivors, family and friends, workplaces and communities.

For more information about stroke and World Stroke Day, please visit

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