EFNA needs people to get involved in the action to ensure access to employment for those affected by neurological disorders and chronic pain conditions.

efna-declarationWritten Declaration no. 0112/2016 was launched on October 24th. We now have until mid-January to ensure that over half of all Ministers of the European Parliament sign this Declaration, to ensure that it does not lapse.
Please help us to achieve this goal, which will benefit all those affected by neurological and chronic pain conditions across the EU.

You can download the template emails to MEPs and send to those in your country – these templates and an MEP contact database are available below.
Don’t forget to get involved on social media too –  #MAKEWORKWORK.

Written Declaration

1. Brain disorders and chronic pain conditions are two of the leading causes of long-term sick leave; growing in impact as Europe’s workforce ages.
2. We call upon DG SANTE, DG EMPL, DG REGIO and DG-ECFIN2 to collaborate on developing, consolidating and consistently implementing EU legislation which will ensure equal access to employment for those affected by neurological disorders and chronic pain conditions.
3. Best-practices to retain and reintegrate people with chronic conditions are widespread. The Commission and Member States are called upon to work, with their social partners, to clarify patients’ rights, highlight successful workplace adjustments and reintegration actions – e.g. flexible working hours – and to promote subsidies for such actions through the European Social Fund.
4. Integrating people with these chronic conditions in employment is socio-economically beneficial. The Commission is called upon to use the EU Semester’s country-specific recommendations to encourage Members States to implement cost-effective retention, reintegration and rehabilitation actions.
5. The Commission and Council are called upon to encourage Member States to acknowledge that accurate early diagnosis and appropriate treatment and management are necessary to enable employees affected by these chronic conditions to avail of equitable employment opportunities.

If approved, the Written Declaration, would be a very valuable document to use at local and European level, for example, in:

  • Advocating for the implementation of employment rights for those affected by neurological disorders
  • Raising awareness of the stigma and discrimination faced by those affected by neurological disorders at work
  • Ensuring relevant EU legislation on access to employment is applied at the national level
  • Highlighting the existence of EU funds to improve accessibility to the workplace for those who wish to regain or remain in employment

Despite the clear opportunities created by a successful Written Declaration; barely more than 1 in 10 succeed. So we need your help! The involvement of national organisations and individuals is absolutely vital in ensuring that we achieve our goal.
The most important people in convincing MEPs to sign the declaration are groups and individuals at national level – after all, these are the constituents who voted them into office!
So, we are asking you and, especially, your members – as individuals and as patient organisations – to get involved.

All you have to do is visit: www.brainmindpain.eu
Here you will find some template emails and a contact database of MEPs, divided by country. You will also find some promotional materials, briefings and the WD text, translated in all EU languages.
If you and/or your organisation and its members have links with any MEPs, please consider reaching out and asking them to sign this Written Declaration.
It’s a good way to profile your particular disease area and organisation too – as you can personalise the message to reflect the similar issues which you strive to address.

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